Monday, January 2, 2012

I Don't Care

Looking at the title of this post, one might be led to believe that I don't care about anything. That's not quite true. While there are many things that are important to me, I find that there are many things in the world that, while they may be important to you, I don't give a damn about them.
Among the things that are important to me:
- family, friends, co-workers
- my job (and doing it well)
- humor
- being organized
- books
- paying my bills on time
- being on time for everything
- having a reputation for honesty and integrity
- naps
- good food
- making time for me
There are other things, but you get the idea.
On the other side of the coin, there are many things in the world that people find to be fascinating, important, in some way worthy of their attention. Examples of these things that I don't care about include:
- what the Real Housewives of New York (or anywhere else) are arguing about this week
- who designed someone's outfit for the Oscars
- who Jennifer Aniston is sleeping with this week
- what Paris Hilton is up to
- politics and politicians
- iPhones
- people who have opinions about everything
- Twitter
- living to be 100
- First Night
- the latest fashion
- commercials
- playing games (saying "I won" doesn't mean much to me)
- any form of exercise
- commemorative plates, coins, etc.
- "think tanks"
- what Fox News thinks about anything
- American Idol
- Survivor
- telephone surveys
- professional basketball
- Starbucks
- the Stock Market
- golf (especially on television)
- banks that are too big to fail (let them)
- consultants
- bowl games (there are way too many of them to mean anything)
There are many other things I don't lose sleep over, but this is a fair sample. You may think I lead a terribly boring and unfulfilled life, but please be assured I'm OK and not unhappy or suicidal. As for all of the things I don't care about, you are more than welcome to be as fanatical as you want to be about any of them; I don't care about that, either.

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