Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hot Ass Pond

When some people choose names for towns and places, one might wonder what they are thinking (or smoking) at the time. To give you an idea, here are some examples:
- Bastardstown (Ireland)
- Beaverlick (Kentucky)
- Clap Hill (UK)
- Assloss (Scotland)
- Bangs Beach (Maine)
- Titless (Switzerland)
- Sexmoan (Phillipines)
- Pecker's Point (Newfoundland)
- Maggie's Nipples (Wyoming)
- Middlefart (Denmark)
Another one to add to the list is Hot Ass Pond, allegedly in the North Woods of Maine. It may be just an urban legend, but there is an amusing story behind how the pond got its' name.
According to the story, one winter many years ago, when the pond was frozen over, an Indian squaw was walking across the ice. As she was walking, she came across a silver dollar on the ice. She bent down to pick it up, but is was stuck to the ice. The squaw wanted the silver dollar, but she had to get it loose from the ice. Not having any tools but being creative, she lifted her skirt and sat on it and, as we say, the rest is history.

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