Friday, October 18, 2013

Congress: Monkeys With Guns

Even though the government shutdown is over, the trauma it created lingers on. The title of this piece comes from a description that someone I know gave to a group of individuals he was dealing with who thought they knew what they were doing but clearly didn't. I think it is also a pretty good description for Congress, a group that can be quite dangerous and destructive in their collective ignorance and ineptitude.
Whatever reason individual members of Congress may give for bringing about the government shutdown, none make any sense, and the outcome served no useful purpose. Mindless and destructive, just like the character in the picture.
Looking forward, it will be interesting to see what the next election cycle brings. I saw a poll in which 60% of the respondents said that all of Congress should be fired. It is hard to argue with that sentiment. If you or I acted like them, we would probably end up in jail.
As a result of the shutdown, will we see any changes in America's political system? I think it highly unlikely. The Monkeys With Guns who brought about the debacle in the first place would be the same ones who would need to initiate constructive change. From this buch, it's simply too much to hope for.

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