Saturday, March 5, 2016

"Penis Envy" Enters the Presidential Campaign

Back in the mid- to late-70's, when I was studying to be a nurse, "penis envy" was one of those obscure terms (originated by Freud) that I learned but never figured I would ever have an occasion to use.
After the last Republican Presidential Debate, I have to confess that I was mistaken. Although I did not watch the televised debate (they have evolved into a version of 6-year olds arguing in the schoolyard), the accounts in the news were entertaining and informative enough. With Rubio and Trump going back and forth on this topic, my reaction was: "Really?" While part of the goal of the debate is to point out why not to vote for the other guy, another goal is to point out why someone should vote for you. I may be going out on a limb, but I don't think the size of someone's naughty bits is a reason to decide either way.
Donald Trump has proven to be pretty thin skinned, and an example of this has been his attempt to "prove" that his hair is real (I still believe it may actually be a helmet). Imagine in the next debate (or in a campaign stop somewhere) he decides to "prove" Rubio is wrong. Is that what really comes to mind when you hear the term "presidential"?
When I was in school, I worked as an orderly on weekends and school vacations in a small hospital. There was an elderly nurse (Mrs. Chickilly) who worked in the ICU and who taught me (among other things) how to say "shit in your pants" in Italian. Over the years, there have been many things (like algebra) which I have totally forgotten, but this phrase is one of the things I have always remembered, and it appears I always will. That being said, I have never found the occasion to use it in my professional career. The way the Presidential Debates are evolving, though, who knows?

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