Sunday, June 4, 2017

What wine goes with Captain Crunch?

The question was asked by the late George Carlin. When I read this, what came to mind is that there are many things in life that we take way too seriously. Do you really need someone else telling you what wine to have with whatever you are eating? To me, you either like the wine or you don't regardless of what you are eating. George is just pointing out in his unique way how silly some things can become.
If you take a moment to think about it, there are a lot of things or people out there that are taken way too seriously. Among them:
- anyone named Kardashian
- college football bowl games (there are currently over 50 of them, but there are not 100 really good teams)
- Super Bowl pre-game shows (they can't come up with enough worthwhile stuff to last 6 hours)
- beauty pageants
- most of Donald Trump's public statements
- Bill O'Reilly (although hopefully he will continue to fade into obscurity)
- television evangelists (although there aren't as many as there used to be)
- Congress (see my earlier blog entry "Monkeys With Guns")
- "breaking news" with television anchors pontificating for hours despite not having any new information
- team nicknames (I am not offended by the Washington Redskins or any other team name)
- participation awards (people get something for just showing up because we don't want to hurt their feelings? Really?)
- Twitter (I intend to be the last person on the planet to use it)
There are probably dozens of other things or people you or I could add to the list. While we all have our opinions on what is silly and my list probably doesn't match your list and your list probably doesn't match mine, I think we can all agree with George that there are things out there which are taken way more seriously than they should be.
So, what wine goes with Kardashian?

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