Monday, March 12, 2012

I always pass on good advice; it's the only thing one can do with it.

The title of this piece is a quote from Oscar Wilde, although it could well have been said by our Governor in reference to the advice he has been given by knowledgable mental health experts in reference to the future of Vermont  State Hospital.
Although I realize he is under no obligation to act in accordance to this advice (which he hasn't so far), one would think that, if one was relatively ignorant about a particular subject (he does not portray himself as a mental health expert), it would be wise to listen to those who happen to know a great deal about it and who make a living in that field. If you knew that individuals knew what they were talking about, wouldn't you follow advice from your mechanic about car repairs, your plumber about your hot water heater, or your butcher about a steak?
Many knowledgable experts in the field of mental health have weighed in and advised the Governor that his plan for the replacement State Hospital is not big enough or in the right location to best serve the population, but he has so far chosen to discount the advice (or pass it on as Oscar suggests). It must be nice to think you are right no matter what, and to then focus you energy on convincing the Legislature that you are right and the experts don't know what they are talking about.
Having spent 30 years in the mental health field, I tend to place more faith in the position of the mental health experts, rather than the Governor, on this particular subject, but that's just my opinion.
Even though history has taught us that the experts are not always right, when you look at the two sides in this discussion, that's they way to bet. 

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