Friday, March 15, 2019

Lincoln for President in 2020?

Other than giving you Bernie Sanders running President, Vermont has not contributed much to politics lately. Much of the time, I have difficulty taking politics seriously, so I found it refreshing that the citizens of Fair Haven chose to elect a Nubian Goat named Lincoln to be their mayor (they have a Town Manager, so the mayor is a ceremonial position). 
Lincoln has great potential as a politician (maybe even President) more for what he doesn't do than what he does do. Unlike the current occupant of the White House, Lincoln is unlikely to bully or demean anyone, is unlikely to lie or to encourage others to be racist or otherwise intolerant. He also won't be considering or granting any pardons to undeserving evil-doers. His attitude toward women? No doubt respectful, especially if they feed him. Building walls? He'd rather not have any.
Would Lincoln be a great President? Perhaps not, but it's too early to tell. Let's see how he does as mayo firstr. If he does OK, he could move up to  maybe Senator (we are basically down to one Senator since Bernie is largely absent campaigning). Eventually, things could fall into place with a run for the White House. We've had two Presidents named Adams, and two named Bush. Why not two named Lincoln?
So far, Lincoln is off to a good start. His first official act after being sworn in as mayor? He pooped.

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